Akustiko brings together a unique collection of instruments, along with their respective musicians of note. The acoustic ensemble is spearheaded by the award winning guitarist/singer Craig Thatcher who, after world tours sharing stages with legends like Buddy Guy, The Derek Trucks Band, and John Hammond, has become an international ambassador for renowned guitar builder C.F. Martin & Co. On violin Nyke Van Wyk adds his masterful blend of traditional and modern styles which has landed him performances at the White House and other distinguished venues around the globe. Driving percussion is the cajón slapping hands of Don Plowman who brings a deep arsenal of rhythms that he has refined after an extensive career playing with the Navy band, Virginia Symphony Pops Orchestra, along with the numerous rhythm & blues outfits of the Lehigh Valley. And finessing the diatonic harmonica is Ansel Barnum whose acclaimed sound and versatility has lead him into bands of all stripes and onto major festival stages. Together these four craftsman deliver originals and classics inspired from traditions of folk, blues, rock and other roots of americana. Although acoustic in nature, their energy charges the music with electricity.